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Freitag, 19. Februar 2010

week 7: starting "colours of the rainbow"


Soo hier kommt nun endlich mein erstes (und wahrscheinlich auch einzigstes) Foto für diese Woche. Dazu muss ich aber erst etwas erklären ;) Also da es hier die letzten Wochen, fast schon Monate, nur grau ist und die Sonne fast nie scheint, habe ich beschlossen mein Projekt: Farben des Regenbogens zu starten.


Soo here is my first (and probably only) photo of this week. But I have to explain it a little bit ;) The last weeks, almost months, sun never was shining and everything was just grey. I hate it!! So I decided to start my project: Colours of the Rainbow.

Mit diesem Projekt habe ich mir vorgenommen auf Farbensuche zu gehen, um den grauen Alltag aufzupeppen. Deshalb möchte ich während des Jahres immer wieder Fotos in einer Farbe zeigen, so dass ich am Ende, die Farbtöne des Regenbogens zusammen habe :) Mal schauen, ob es klappt. Ein paar Ideen hab ich schon ;)
Wer mag kann gerne mitmachen und seinen Blog hier verlinken. Ich würde mir total gerne eure Ideen dazu anschauen!!! Aber jetzt mein erstes Foto, das die Farbe rosa/pink ( ich weiß es nicht so genau) repräsentiert.


For this project I decided to search for colours to spice up grey daily life. Because of this I want to show you photos in one colour during the year, so I have all the colours of a rainbow at the end :) I'm really excited to see, if I get it done. I already have some ideas ;)
Everybody, who wants, can take part and link their photos up here. I would love to see your ideas to this!!! But now here is my first photo, representing the colour rose/pink (I'm not sure)

Ein schönes Wochenende mit vielen Farben euch allen!!!


Have all a fantastic weekend with lots of colours!!!

4 Kommentare:

Magdalena (m2m) 20. Februar 2010 um 09:20  

Hi!!! I love your idea of colours of the rainbow :) So you choosed pink for this week? I don't know if I find something pink here today, but I'll look for something :) I'm out of computer right now and I can't post my photos because I don't have any editing programm, but if I find something, I'll link it here :) Great idea for making life more colorful :)

Andynka 20. Februar 2010 um 17:29  

This is beautiful flower ! I like very orchidea !! ;)

I wish you too very nice weekend.

Anonym 21. Februar 2010 um 00:49  

wwoowww your idea is really great....hmmmmm I must look at my photos if I will find something interesting. When I made it I will send you link :D But your photo is really beautiful :D

moments-photography 22. Februar 2010 um 17:07  

Da hast du dir aber ein tolles Projekt ausgesucht...bin gespannt, wie es weiter geht...

LG Doreen


Thank you very much for your visit on my Blog!!!
My name is Stephanie, I'm 21 years old and come from Germany. One of my biggest hobbies besides my pets is taking photos. So I decided doing this Blog to show you some of my photos. I hope you like them and if it's not the case, I would be verry happy if you tell me your critique so I can improve my skills!!
If you have any questions you can also send me an email at info@stepkographie.de
Have a great day!!!


All photos shown own my Blog are taken by me and are my properties. So you are not allowed to use them in any way without my permission!



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